The interconnectedness of biographies, migration and gender norms


  • Dóra Gábriel Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute for Regional Studies

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migrant care work, labor migration, biographical case reconstruction, gender norms, Hungary


The aim of the paper is to reveal the relationship between biographies, migration, and gender norms among Hungarian live-in migrant care workers and show their interaction through a dynamic analysis. The study is based on empirical research conducted mainly in the sending country, Hungary. The analysis involved thirty-seven interviews carried out between 2016 and 2019. The interviews were undertaken using a combination of narrative and semi-structured interview techniques. I employed the method of biographical case reconstruction and thematic analysis. I observe the potential links and interactions between the biographies, migration, and gender norms of carers with the help of a typology based on demographic and biographical elements. The analysis demonstrates that family background and partnerships have important effects on work abroad and its perception, while working abroad can also shape gender norms. Interview analysis reveals a complex picture. While some migrant workers of various social backgrounds can rely on supportive families, members of non-egalitarian families experienced reinforced gender norms due to labor migration, and women can find themselves in an even more vulnerable situation at home.




How to Cite

Gábriel, D. 2023. The interconnectedness of biographies, migration and gender norms. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 9, 1 (Apr. 2023), 62–78. DOI: