Coping strategies among an intersectional group:

Muslim women in Hungary


  • Esra Aytar Eötvos Lorand University
  • Peter Bodor Eötvos Lorand University

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As members of a stigmatised intersectional group, Muslim women in Hungary not only receive unwanted attention but also verbal/physical attacks, assaults, and hate crimes. What kind of individual strategies and collective resilience patterns have they developed to cope with or to improve the hazardous situations they experience? This paper utilises participant observation data and qualitative interviews to study these issues. Two major dimensions of the participants’ strategies were detected: active versus Passive and Individual versus Collective. Exposition of these coping strategies was also accompanied by discussing the relevance of the types of reactions to threatened identity as suggested by Breakwell’s social identity theory-inspired model and Pargament’s studies on religious resilience practices.

Author Biography

Peter Bodor, Eötvos Lorand University

Peter Bodor is a full professor at the Department of Sociology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. His research interests focus on the intersection of a social constructivist psychological framework and micro-sociology. His publications, in international and national scientific publishers and journals include a monograph on emotion and emotional development in and through language use and papers on the linguistic superego papers on the social construction of gazing, where social determinants of seeing are investigated empirically with eye-tracker and discourse analysis of European and national identity of Hungarians just like minorities in Hungary. Currently he is working on the discursive construction of identity, memory and emotions with the aims to reconstruct the conversationalists’ various identity, remembering and emotional claims.





How to Cite

Aytar, E. and Bodor, P. 2022. Coping strategies among an intersectional group: : Muslim women in Hungary . Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 7, 4 (Jan. 2022), 52–69. DOI:



Resilience and resistance in illiberal regimes