With Eyes Wide Shut. Job Searching Qualified Roma and Employee Seeking Companies


  • Zsuzsanna Árendás
  • Vera Messing
  • Violetta Zentai


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This article is dedicated to Julia Szalai who researches the underlying reasons, consequences and mechanisms of the social exclusion of the Roma in Central and East European societies. Her work and her writings serve as a compass for those who examine problems of social exclusion, including the authors of this article. The present paper discusses position of the Roma on the Hungarian job-market, focusing on highly-qualified young Roma within the context of the business sphere. Our knowledge is informed by the first results of an initiative which creates bridges between disadvantaged social groups and the business sector through pro-active measures. The initiative mobilizes multinational companies, business trainers, NGOs promoting social inclusion, and academics. Both the initiative and our study intend to pursue a subtle understanding of the tangible and hidden obstacles that highly educated young Roma encounter when seeking employment, and of the dilemmas that multinational companies face in relating to these prospective employees.




How to Cite

Árendás, Z., Messing, V. and Zentai, V. 2018. With Eyes Wide Shut. Job Searching Qualified Roma and Employee Seeking Companies. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 4, 1 (Jan. 2018). DOI:https://doi.org/10.17356/ieejsp.v4i1.407.



Recognition, Rights, Redistribution. In Honor of Júlia Szalai