The Hungarian Democratic Opposition in the 1980’s: External and Internal Effects and Resources


  • Ervin Csizmadia

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The basis of the article is that there has been a renewed interest towards the opposition movements of 1980s Central Eastern Europe. One of the most interesting of these movements was the Hungarian opposition which, considering its size was much smaller than the Polish opposition, nevertheless considering its social effect and network, had a significant role in the late Kadar-era. The essay analyzes the relationship of the State-party and the opposition through concrete events as well as analyzing in depth the strategy of the State-party towards the opposition. The piece concludes that concerning the Hungarian democratic opposition not only its ideological influence but its network building must be the source of further research as well. 


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How to Cite

Csizmadia, E. 2015. The Hungarian Democratic Opposition in the 1980’s: External and Internal Effects and Resources. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 1, 4 (Dec. 2015). DOI: