Book Review

Stack, T. & Luminiello, R. (Eds.) (2021). Engaging Authority: Citizenship and Political Community


  • Aliz Nagy Eötvös Loránd University

Abstract Views: 214 PDF Downloads: 277


citizenship, political community, authority, political theory


Engaging Authority is a book being part of the series ‘Frontiers of the Political’. The book edited by Trevor Stack and Rose Luminiello engages with concepts of political theory and offers a framework to reconceptualize our views on political community and citizenship at the same time. The book was put in print as the quarantines were ordered all over the world in 2020.

The book engages authority via two concepts: political community and citizenship. Authors with distinct disciplinary backgrounds introduce their case studies with the aim to grasp the nuances of relations to political authority. By doing so, the book provides an excellent opportunity to move beyond the regular discussion of democratic norms and offers an original agenda to reconceptualize citizenship and political authority in more authoritarian settings as well.




How to Cite

Nagy, A. 2024. Book Review: Stack, T. & Luminiello, R. (Eds.) (2021). Engaging Authority: Citizenship and Political Community. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 9, 3 (Jan. 2024), 202–206. DOI:



Book Reviews