Securitization of LGBTIQ Minority in Serbian Far-right Discourses: A Post-structuralist Perspective


  • Isidora Stakic Belgrade Centre for Security Policy

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This article analyses the securitization of LGBTIQ population in the narratives of Serbian far-right organizations, i.e. the discursive construction of the LGBTIQ minorities as a threat. The analysis relies on securitization theory in order to demonstrate how the issue of gay rights is taken beyond ‘normal politics’ and constructed as a security issue. By drawing upon post-structuralist reading of securitization theory, this article argues that the narratives of Serbian far-right groups acquire legitimacy due to their coherence with the mainstream discourses on homosexuality and LGBTIQ rights. Moreover, it argues that through the securitization of sexual minorities in the far-right discourses, the Serbian national identity is being re-defined and strengthened. This article uses discourse analysis as main method. The sources of data include press statements and other media pieces, reports by civil society organizations and government institutions, public opinion surveys and websites of the far-right groups. The analysis is focused on the period from the adoption of the Anti-discrimination Law in 2009 onwards, as the period in which the issue of LGBTIQ rights has become increasingly topical in the Serbian public sphere.

Author Biography

Isidora Stakic, Belgrade Centre for Security Policy

Isidora Stakic holds a BA degree in international relations from the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, and a joint MA degree in human rights from three universities, Roehampton University, London, UK, University of Gothenburg, Sweden and University of Tromso, Norway. She is currently working as a researcher at the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy. Isidora’s research interests include: regional security and interethnic relations in the Western Balkans region, nationalism, right-wing extremism, identity in the context of security, and minority rights.


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How to Cite

Stakic, I. 2015. Securitization of LGBTIQ Minority in Serbian Far-right Discourses: A Post-structuralist Perspective. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 1, 1 (Mar. 2015). DOI: